Yetta Leber and Jonas Hineser

Yetta, Jonas, Marion, and Clara in 1914

Yetta Leber married Jonas Hineser on ________ and they lived in New York.

Jonas was born in Austria-Hungary in 18?? and owned a barber shop on Wall Street. Unfortunately, Jonas died in 1928 and Yetta relocated to Kansas with her daughter Syvia and her husband Philip. The last name Hineser is very rare and anyone who has it is related. Jonas' closest living relative is Carl Hineser, nephew to Jonas, who lives in California.

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Below are the names of Yetta and Jonas' children:

Clara Hineser, b. 1909, d. 1914

Marion Hineser, b. 1912, d. ?1926

Sylvia Hineser (Matkoff), b. March 3, 1915, d. August 1987

Unknown son 1

Unknown son 2

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